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Białe buty do czarnych spodni!? Prawie Michael Jackson haha

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Mam taką koleżankę, kupuje sobie rzeczy na wzór moich ten sam krój, materiał, kolor - wyglądają jak moje. Początkowo mi to nie przeszkadzało, bo nie mam nic przeciwko jak ktoś sobie kupi coś takiego jak ja, no ale uważam że są jakieś granice. Co innego jest kupić jedną rzecz czy dwie, a co innego wszystko po kolei. Kupuje sobie rzeczy na wzór moich a to bluzka prawie taka sama, a to torebka, a to spodnie, ...enka, kurtka, buty i dobiera te rzeczy w taki sam sposób jak ja. Nawet fryzurę zmieniła... Co ja nowego nie wymyślę ona ma za chwilę to samo.

Czy macie taką koleżankę, która Was kopiuje ? Czy Wam to przeszkadza czy nie ?

Skoro mi to przeszkadza to jak rozwiązać to z tą koleżanką ?

Odnośnik do komentarza
Gość Pika żużel
I must've been on a roll
Kept on losing control
Ah, but the night is not meant to make sense
Out of it all
Oh, but it's taking its toll
Shakes the body and soul
And my two arms don't reach far enough to
Embrace it all
I must've gone through a phase
Must've been in a daze
Can't get away, cannot turn the page
I'm a rat in a cage
I must be under a spell
As far as I can tell
I'm in a trance, see I stand no chance
Oh, I know damn well
Oh, I know you've seen it coming
Telling me I should stop running
From it all, but how I keep on running
Running right to you
Oh, I know you've seen it coming
Telling me I should stop running
From it all, but how I keep on running
I'm slipping into my role
Letting go of control
Let it to the other to take the piss
Out of it all
I am confused to the bone
I am stuck in a zone
Oh, but the night is not meant to make you
Feel all alone
Oh, I know you've seen it coming
Telling me I should stop running
From it all, but how I keep on running
Running right to you
Oh, I know you've seen it coming
Telling me I should stop running
From it all, but how I keep on running
Ain't no control
Ain't no cooldown
Ain't no remedy
Ain't no sideway
Dress it up the way you want
Can't control it
Can't contain it
Can't direct it
Cannot get away
Can't reduce it
Look at it the way you want
Ain't no control
Ain't no cooldown
Ain't no remedy
Ain't no sideway
Dress it up the way you want
Can't control it
Can't contain it
Can't direct it
Cannot get away
Can't reduce it
Look at it the way you want
Ain't no control
Ain't no cooldown
Ain't no remedy
Ain't no sideway
Dress it up the way you want
Can't control it
Can't contain it
Can't direct it
Cannot get away
Can't reduce it
Look at it the way you want
Oh, I know you've seen it coming
Telling me I should stop running
From it all, but how I keep on running
Running right to you
Oh, I know you've seen it coming
Telling me I should stop running
From it all, but how I keep on running
Odnośnik do komentarza

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